Dr. Ratkay Imola
Ophthalmologist, Chief Physician, PhD, Medical Director
Dr. Ratkay Imola szemész főorvos 1987-ben kapott általános orvosi diplomát a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen, 1991-ben szerzett szemész szakorvosi képesítést. 1990-ben csatlakozott az első – Bor Zsolt professzor vezette – Magyar Excimer Lézeres Kutatócsoporthoz. Az elsők között volt Magyarországon, aki LASIK beavatkozást hajtott végre. A világon először végzett a corneán 1998-ban intrastromális ablaciót, majd 1999-ben femtoszekundumos lézerrel vágott lebenyt FemtoLasik és FLK kezeléshez, valamint intracorneális gyűrű beültetéshez csatornát. 2001-ben szerezte meg PhD fokozatát a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen. 2010-ben Európában elsőként ültetett be Presbylens mikrolencsét a szaruhártyába az öregszeműség kezelésére. Az elmúlt 20 évben femtoszekundumos lézerrel a szaruhártyában több mint 19 millió műtétet végeztek világszerte. Ezen területen kifejtett úttörő munkásságáért mondott köszönetet a Nobel-díjas professzor Ratkay Imola szemész főorvosnak és Juhász Tibor fizikus professzornak, aki az általuk előállított ultragyors hullámú lézerből szemészeti lézert fejlesztett ki.

Dr. Skribek Ákos
Ophthalmologist, University Assistant Professor, Deputy Director
I work as a University Assistant Professor at the University of Szeged’s Department of Ophthalmology, and have been Deputy Director of the Institution since 2018. I graduated from the Medical University of Debrecen in 1993 and have since worked at the clinic in Szeged. I became an ophthalmologist in 1997 and obtained my PhD degree in 2013. I am in charge of the Hungarian and English ophthalmology post-graduate education of dentistry students. I am a member of several Hungarian and international ophthalmologic societies and a member of the management board of the Hungarian Ophthalmological Society. “To see, to restore sight, to make seeing possible again means to be able to re-connect to the world. Our fondest memories are remembered in visions as we retain visual memories of precious moments. We learn from what we see and create pictures using the words we read. We sense and experience everything we live through.”

Dr. Ördögh Dominika
I earned my medical degree at the University of Szeged in 2018, then started to work at the Department of Ophthalmology, and I have been continuing my education at the Department since then. I completed my ophthalmology specialization exams in May 2023. Currently, in addition to participating in the day-to-day routine of patient care, I also carry out scientific clinical work and teach medical students. My research is focused on the relationships between dermatological and ophthalmologic (especially ocular surface) diseases.
My main research interests include
- refractive surgery,
- diseases of the surface of the eye and its anterior segment,
- inflammatory eye conditions.
My goal is to provide current and future patients in the Southern Great Plain region of Hungary with the highest possible level of care.
Foreign languages spoken: English

Dr. Szabó Júlia Dóra
I have been interested in vision since my childhood, and ophthalmology was always the focus of my interest during my university studies, from the very first years. I earned my medical degree at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Szeged in 2013, and I started scientific research after graduation. The subject of my PhD dissertation was the long-term culturing of corneal stem cells. I completed my ophthalmology specialization exams in 2021 with distinction.
Foreign languages spoken: English

Dr. Szilvia Sándor
I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu Mures in 2018, then I moved to Szeged in order to work at the Department of Ophthalmology of the University of Szeged.
Besides practicing day-to-day patient care, I also participate in teaching at the faculty, and I have attended several national congresses, also as a speaker.
Within ophthalmology, I am especially attracted by procedures that require extreme patience and precision, as well as by the challenges of manual work.
I would like to elevate my theoretical and practical skills acquired in the previous years to the highest possible level to support patients and promote collaboration with my colleagues. I feel that my skills in verbal and emphatic communication are key areas of strength in my work.
Foreign languages spoken: Romanian and English

Dr. Polgár Nóra

Hintersehr Zita

Horváth Rita

Szloboda Ákos
Egészségügyi ügyfélmenedzser

Kárpáti Réka
Ügyfélszolgálati vezető